Oct 12, 2020
Tindol Cruise In 10-2020


Like most things, the 28th Annual Cruise In at Tindol was quite a bit different in 2020. Instead of a Cruise In, the event was changed to a Cruise Thru. Drivers lined up at Tindol Ford early Saturday morning, then pulled out for a cruise down Franklin Boulevard in Gastonia, then on to the Blue Ridge Parkway. Like previous years, proceeds from the event were used to benefit the local Boy Scouts. The event also included Tindol Subaru’s Annual Pet Adoption, which is a part of our Subaru Loves Pets Month efforts to help local shelters and pets in need. At least 37 pets were adopted, making this the most successful event ever! The Tindol Team appreciates the support of our community and customers which allows us to raise funds for local youth organizations and help local pets find a loving home. Thank You!